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St. Joan of Arc School has a rich tradition of nearly 70 years of excellence in faith-formation, academics, and activities. Among the indicators of SJA quality is our accreditation by the Michigan Nonpublic School Accrediting Agency since 1992.
The Archdiocese of Detroit encourages individuals to report clergy sexual abuse of minors and others directly to law enforcement – no matter when the abuse occurred.
Individuals may also contact the Archdiocese of Detroit. We place no deadlines or time limits on those who wish to come forward for help; be it five, 15, or 50 years later, our diocese accepts and responds to all reports.
The Archdiocese of Detroit reports every complaint it receives, regardless of its source or the date of the alleged activity, to civil authorities. No complaints are held back, pre-screened or disregarded. This is done in accordance with voluntary agreements signed in the spring of 2002 by the archdiocese and prosecutors from all six counties within its boundaries. As a result of the agreements, the archdiocese shared case files of priests accused of sexual misconduct in previous years and committed to turning over all complaints in the future.
HOW to report
If you suspect someone is in immediate danger, call 911
Law enforcement
Individuals who suspect clergy sexual abuse of children or vulnerable adults are encouraged to contact the Michigan Attorney General’s Office by calling its toll-free reporting hotline at (844) 324-3374 (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or by emailing [email protected]. Individuals also may contact their local police department.
Mandated reporting
Mandated reporters in Michigan must make an immediate verbal report to the CPS Centralized Intake for Abuse & Neglect at (855) 444-3911, followed by a written report within 72 hours. Reports also can be made online. (See below for more information on mandated reporters.)
Archdiocese of Detroit
The Archdiocese of Detroit's Victim Assistance Coordinator, Tony Latarski, can be reached at (313) 237-6060 or toll-free at (866) 343-8055. Individuals also may email [email protected]. Mr. Latarski has an extensive background in law enforcement and works to receive and respond to all complaints. All calls and messages regarding complaints of sexual abuse will be returned in a timely manner. Callers will be asked to provide their name and telephone number.
More Information
For more information about the Church's commitment to the protection of children and youth, please visit:
Archdiocese of Detroit Child and Youth Protection Resources Link
USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) Child and Youth Protection Resources Link