St. Joan’s prolife group – Lifeline Action Team – is working with Citizens for a Prolife Society and the Prolife Action League in organizing a national day of protest from 9-11 a.m., Aug. 22 at the Planned Parenthood facility in Ferndale, Mich. Similar efforts will take place at the abortion provider’s locations throughout the country. Slated to speak in Ferndale is Rebecca Kiesling (who was conceived by rape) and Pastor Levon Yulle (Joshua’s Trail) and others.
The hope is to seize the opportunity for awareness of the abortion provider’s disregard for human life as exposed in recent undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress. The videos reveal that several Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, with the sanction of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, may be involved in the harvesting of body parts of unborn children aborted in their facilities and profiting from their sale contrary to Federal laws that prohibit such practices. The videos show high-level Planned Parenthood executives haggling over pricing of fetal specimens.
These videos raise legal questions as well as ethical issues, such as the exploitation of the unborn for financial gain and the possible altering of the abortion procedure, not for the benefit of the women, but to enhance the procurement of intact specimens.
As a consequence of this public scandal, several states have initiated investigations of Planned Parenthood, and legislation has been introduced in Congress to defund the abortion giant that currently receives more than 500 million dollars of taxpayer money. This effort on Aug. 22 will aid in raising awareness for not only the questionable practices of Planned Parenthood but also the sad truth about the abortion industry.
Please consider attending the event and/or offering prayer as we as Catholics continue to defend the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death.
Outrage over the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood has put conversations about abortion in the forefront once again. It’s important to remember with sensitivity and love those women who have made that choice and may be silently hurting. There’s healing help for those suffering through these organizations – Rachel’s Vineyard (, Project Rachel ( and Silent No More ( Please pray for all those who have been hurt or continue to hurt from abortion.